Monday, March 7, 2011

Why start a business?

I recently asked myself this question, “Why start a new business?” I currently work for a small local architect firm and love what I do there. My boss is a great guy to work for. He’s they kind of guy that will close the office early just because it’s a nice day, he’ll buy lunch for the office staff to say, “Thanks for working so hard.”

So, if I work for such a great company why start my own? Is it because I want more freedom to do what I want? I’ve had my own custom residential design firm before coming to work for the firm I work for now. Freedom is an illusion in small business, especially when you are first starting out. I worked almost everyday of the week. I worked longer hours. I would lay awake at night thinking about the business and all the things I didn’t get done that day.
I had traded one boss for multiple bosses. Because now every client is my boss and to be successful I had to work hard and please everyone of them.
Freedom? No not for freedom.

Is it for the money? When you start a new business obviously making money is one of the goals. I’m not doing this just for the experience, but I think if it’s financial reasons your priorities are mixed up. If you really start figuring how much time you spend verses hour much money is coming in… it could become really disheartening, especially when you are first starting out.

Here is the conclusion I came to, yours may be a little different. It’s about a Dream. When you work for someone else, you are working toward fulfilling that persons dream. At the end of the day you can go home and leave the job at the office.
When you are working to fulfill your dream, you are willing to sacrifice, you are willing to work long hours, you are willing to give your all in order to achieve your dream.

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